Recurso 1




Life Care enjoys safe and sanitized environments.

Analyzing the different existing disinfection systems, we bet on ultraviolet technology. It is a highly developed method for more than 70 years, which is currently booming due to its high effectiveness in disinfecting surfaces, water and air. We propose complete 360º solutions relying on highly specialized companies that are international leaders in their sector, such as the world-leading Canadian company Sanuvox, which has more than 25 years of experience in the development and manufacture exclusively of disinfection products with this technology. Lãberit has the exclusive marketing and distribution of these products in Spain, Portugal and Italy for all sectors (health, commercial, agri-food and residential). We also offer a wide range of solutions that are tailored to the needs of customers both for the disinfection of surfaces, water and air as well as for the improvement of indoor air quality.
Elimination of viruses, bacteria and fungi

UVC technology (254nm) inactivates microorganisms at the molecular level, causing irreparable damage. 100% tested against SARS-CoV-2, Clostridum difficile , VRE, MRS, etc. with a minimum effectiveness of 5 log (99.999%).

Improved indoor air quality

It achieves the elimination of pollen, nanoparticles, VOCs, chemical compounds through ultraviolet physical mechanisms, plasma ionization and air filtering systems.

Complete and customized 360º solutions

Our solutions and services, focused on and adapted to any health, agri-food, commercial, leisure sector… are aimed at improving the health and well-being of people in different environments, being 100% respectful of the environment and collaborating in the energy savings of our customers.

Environmentally friendly sustainable systems

All systems are designed and manufactured with materials focused on sustainability and the elimination of the use of plastics. All the materials used are American or European. No use of chemicals or generation of secondary chemicals and low energy consumption.


At Lãberit we put all our knowledge at your service. Technicians, professionals and experts create specialized content every week to keep you up to date with the latest technology.

Lorem fistrum for the glory of my mother.

By Aitor Pilán de Miguel, DirCom of Lãberit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem fistrum for the glory of my mother.

By Esteban Anguita, Marketing Director at Lãberit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


News about Disinfection and air quality

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