Recurso 1

Privacy Policy

At Laberit Sistemas SL, hereinafter THE RESPONSIBLE, we try to offer you the best possible experience through our services and products. For this, and in some cases, it is necessary to gather information to achieve it. We care about your privacy and believe in transparency regarding the use of the data you provide us.

Therefore, for the purposes of the provisions of the REGULATION (EU) 2016/679, OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of April 27, 2016 (hereinafter RGPD ) regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and their free circulation, and also for the purposes of LAW 3472002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and electronic commerce (hereinafter LSSI ), THE CONTROLLER informs the user that, as the data controller, it will incorporate the personal data provided by users into an automated file owned by it.

The Privacy and Data Protection Policy of Laberit Sistemas SL contributes and seeks to guarantee the security of personal data and avoid alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access to them.

Basic information on data protection


It is responsible for the treatment of all the data collected from the interested parties for the exercise of their business functions, which are developed in accordance with the criteria and limitations established by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and by which Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation, RGPD or GDPR) is repealed.

Laberit Sistemas SL is, for the purposes of the provisions of the Law, the Responsible for the Treatment of Activities.

The data of the person in charge are:

  • Owner : Laberit Systems SL
  • Registered office : Cataluña 9, Entresuelo A, 46020, Valencia (Spain)
  • CIF : B98064462
  • Registry data : Constituted by the notary Fernando Perez Rubio, under Public Deed 1118, dated July 23, 2008, Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Valencia in Volume 8932, of Book 6217, Folio 43, Page V-130496 of date August 20, 2008.
  • E-mail :
  • Telephone :+34 960 075 817

Treatment purposes

The personal data that you provide us through the form on the contact page of this website, as well as those that you provide us in the future, will be incorporated into a data file owned by Laberit Sistemas SL and maintained under its responsibility.

The purpose of this file is to manage the relationship of Laberit Sistemas SL with the users of the Website and other clients (management of web services) and provide them with the information they request and the management of the services they contract with us. In addition, it will serve to keep you informed about our services (commercial communications related to our services), using the email address or other contact information provided by the user with their express consent.

The information you provide in the data collection forms is voluntary; however, if you do not provide it to us, we will not be able to provide you with the service.

It will be your obligation to keep the data updated in such a way that it corresponds to reality at all times. Any false or inaccurate statement that occurs as a result of the data provided, as well as the damage that such information could cause to Laberit Sistemas SL , will be the responsibility of the user.

Data retention periods

At Laberit Sistemas SL , any period of data conservation and the criteria established for it will be in accordance with current regulations.

In any case, the personal data provided will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they are collected and to determine the possible responsibilities that may arise from the purpose, in addition to the periods established in the regulations on files and documentation. . In addition, they will be kept as long as there is a mutual interest to maintain the end of the treatment and when it is no longer necessary for that purpose, they will be deleted with adequate security measures to guarantee the pseudonymization of the data or the total destruction of the same.


Laberit Sistemas SL will only process your personal data in any of the following cases:

  • Through the free, explicit, unequivocal and informed consent of the interested party.
  • Simple means will be enabled in this regard to be able to revoke it.
  • When there is a legitimate interest of Laberit Sistemas SL that justifies the treatment, as long as the interests, rights or freedoms of the interested parties do not prevail.
  • When the treatment is necessary for the maintenance or fulfillment of a legal relationship between Laberit Sistemas SL and the interested party.
  • When the treatment or transfer responds to the fulfillment of an obligation imposed by the applicable national legislation or is carried out by an Authority or Public Administration that so requires, in the legitimate exercise of its powers, guaranteeing the maximum the right to privacy. of the data owners.
  • When exceptional situations occur that endanger the life, health or safety of the interested party or of other people or groups.


Laberit Sistemas SL will only allow access to personal data to those of its administrators, collaborators or dependents who need access to personal data due to the activity they carry out within the framework of the contracted services.

Likewise, we inform you that, to the extent that it is strictly necessary to fulfill the stated purposes, your data may be shared with other companies or entities belonging to or linked to the Lãberit Group, for their treatment under their responsibility and always with the same purposes informed in this Policy. The companies or entities belonging to or linked to the Lãberit Group to which your data may be shared can be consulted on the website .

In addition, in the event that there is an obligation or legal requirement that so provides, we may communicate your data to the competent public authorities in accordance with said obligation or legal requirement.

To ensure compliance with the provisions of the GDPR, when Laberit Systems SL, entrusts treatment activities to a processor, it will only use processors that offer sufficient guarantees, in particular with regard to specialized knowledge, reliability and resources, in view of the application of technical and organizational measures that comply with the requirements of the RGPD, including the treatment safety.

International Data Transfer

We inform you that Laberit Sistemas SL does not transfer personal data to third countries or international organizations.


Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not Laberit Sistemas SL is processing personal data that concerns them.

Interested persons have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

In certain circumstances, the interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims.

In certain circumstances, and for reasons related to their particular situation, the interested parties may oppose the processing of their data. Laberit Sistemas SL will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims.

The user may exercise the aforementioned rights at any time , by writing to the contact details established at the beginning of this privacy policy, both by post and by email.

In order to process the request for the exercise of rights, it will be necessary to verify the identity of the user, so said communication must include name and surname, request specifying the request, address for notification purposes, date, signature and photocopy of the DNI or other valid identification document.

The exercise of these rights will not affect access to the website in any way.

Depending on the right you want to exercise, we will provide you, if you wish, with the appropriate form so that you can fill it out, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016.

Interested parties may exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion or blocking, limitation and opposition to the processing of their data by contacting the following email address:

For more information on the exercise of rights, you can go to the website of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.

Claim before the Control Authority

If you consider that there is a problem with the way in which Laberit Sistemas SL is treating your data, you can direct your claims to the corresponding data protection authority, the Spanish Data Protection Agency being the one indicated in the case of Spain. The electronic address of the Agency is

Modification of the Privacy Policy

Laberit Sistemas SL may modify this Privacy Policy at any time, the successive versions being published on the Website. In any case, Laberit Sistemas SL will communicate with prior notice the modifications of this policy that affect users so that they can accept them.

Security Measures and Policies

Laberit Systems SL has established a rigorous control for the correct processing of personal data, with the implementation of the necessary technological measures to guarantee its integrity and confidentiality, as well as with the establishment of a series of Policies aimed at providing the maximum guarantee of security, confidentiality and integrity of your personal data.

These policies are, among others:

  • Policy for the Identification and Registration of Treatment Activities.
  • Data Processing Impact Assessment Policy.
  • Policy for Obtaining Consent for Data Processing.
  • Policy for the Exercise of Rights in the Matter of Data Protection.
  • Action Policy for Security Breaches.
  • Data Quality Policy.
  • Data Retention Times Policy.
  • Data Encryption Policy.
  • User Management and Control Policy.
  • Technology Resources Acceptable Use Policy.
  • Clean Screen Policy.
  • Data Carrier Management Policy.
  • Backup, Restoration and Contingency Policy.
  • Action Policy in case of possible International Data Transfer needs.